Hoisting the Boeing 737! XCMG Cranes on the Internet in Thailand

2022-09-19 17:48
Recently, a photo of XCMG cranes hoisting an aircraft has appeared on the Internet in Thailand, attracting great attention from netizens.

At the hoisting site, against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds, XCMG's steel arms were strong and the hoisting was stable. It is understood that the Boeing 737 aircraft maintained by XCMG lifting machinery has a dead weight of about 38 tons.

Due to the characteristics of the aircraft itself, higher requirements are required for the selection of hoisting weights and the balance in the process of hoisting.

After repeated deductions by the local XCMG team, XCMG dispatched a new XCT100 crane and XCA260 all-terrain crane for hoisting work, and dispatched service engineers from China and Thailand to provide on-site hoisting guidance. With excellent product quality and brand service, the lifting task was successfully completed.

Affected by the new crown epidemic, the overall business scale of the local aviation industry in Thailand has declined. In order to alleviate the economic and employment pressure brought about by the epidemic, the local government has actively introduced relevant policies to boost the recovery and development of the aviation industry. It is reported that XCMG's local team actively cooperated with local airlines, and several hoisting machinery and equipment helped the maintenance and repair of the fuselage of passenger aircraft in the country, which was well received and praised by local airlines.

The quality is hard core, and everything is available. Previously, XCMG Gold showed its strength in various construction scenarios by virtue of its extremely high control fretting and safety and reliability.

XCMG XGC300 crawler cranes successively hoisted four AC-drive diesel locomotives on the main line of the Da-Saint-Saint Railway in the Republic of Guinea, and cooperated with CRRC Group to complete the assembly task and speed up the construction.

Tacit cooperation, tight fit and precise control. Gansu Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base, XCA220 and XCA130L7 all-terrain cranes were put on again, and the "Cersen Launch Vehicle" was stably placed on the launch pad to help my country's aerospace construction.

